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Historical map of Watertown, 1630-1930

by Mary B. Hotz
Watertown, Massachusetts, USA

Mary Hotz designed this map as a high school student in 1930, for a poster contest celebrating the 300th anniversary of Watertown, Massachusetts. Her map of historical Watertown, complete with Native Americans, houses, churches, arsenals, courthouses, taverns, mills, schools and statues was the winning entry. Hotz combined recent and past history in this colorful and detailed map, which she shared with local community clubs, and President Calvin Coolidge, who had family ties to the town. She eventually attended art school in Boston, but never practiced professionally; however, her map appeared for years in official buildings and private residences throughout Watertown.



Sister Mary Hotz, a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart, came to USD in 1996. She received her PhD from The University of Chicago in 1997, with a concentration in Victorian literature. Her central interests include nineteenth-century British literature and culture, Native American literature, and the development of the novel. Her most recent project, Literary Remains: Representations of Death and Burial in Victorian England, explores the unexpectedly central role of death and burial in Victorian England by locating corpses at the center of a surprisingly extensive range of Victorian concerns: money and law, medicine and urban architecture, social planning and folklore, religion and national identity.

Last Updated:
21th of June, 2023

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